Design - Garage

When you're renovating or building a new home and including a garage in those plans, it's normal to have questions come up about garage doors!
The garage door is one of the focal points of the front of your house. Choosing the right one may seem like a huge decision when you consider all of the options. If you’ve opted for a two-car garage, one of the first choices you need to make is whether you want one double door or two single doors.
With COVID-19, the world changed in the blink of an eye. Many people uprooted their entire lives, and even more people spent most of their time at home. With the additional time at home, many homeowners realized that they needed to make changes to be happy.
Unless you’ve been living under that proverbial rock, you’ve seen the panoramic, all-glass garage doors that are so popular today. They might remind you of fire station doors, and you’ll see them in public areas, such as indoor/outdoor dining spaces. They adorn restaurants and cottages alike, and they’re absolutely stunning.
These days, we spend more time at home than we do anywhere else. Because of this, many people are wishing they had more space. We all love our families, but sometimes we need a little time apart, and being cooped up in the same small spaces can be wearisome. How does a personal gym sound? Maybe your family would love a game room or entertainment room. Or perhaps you’d like a large master suite to live the life of luxury.
Looking for some storage options for your bikes? Keep reading!
If your garage floor is worn or dingy, it’s time to upgrade. There are several options to help you create a garage space you love.
Did you recently purchase a work bench for your garage? It can offer an excellent way to handle projects and home improvement tasks. With the use of the tips below, you can also use it to create the garage you have always wanted.

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